Unlocking Leadership in 2021 – post #1

It was 12 months ago this week that we signed up for a Zoom account and started to work out how to ensure the sustainability of our business when the emerging pandemic had run its course. One element of our plan was to share our thinking and our experience with...

Week 3: A marathon not a sprint

Running a marathon not a sprint.  Week 3 of the lockdown and the shock of the change is receding, but the bad news keeps coming. A prime minister in hospital and the Queen speaking to the nation underscores the seriousness and justifies the fears that people have. We...

Week 2: Making the best of new communication channels

Making the best of new communication channels.  After a second week of Socia’s home based working, involving much time on Microsoft Teams and Zoom, here are three big lessons we have learned about hosting effective on-line meetings. 1 Be clear about the different...

Week 1: Leading in a virtual environment

Leading in a virtual environment: Some lessons from the first week of working from home: 5 things for a leader to think about when working remotely. How do you look? You are ‘at work’ so think about what people can see in the background of your video call – it can be...