Week 5: The change you didn’t choose

The change you didn’t choose – and how to handle it  Week 5 of lockdown and the long-term impact of the current situation is starting to become evident to organisations across all sectors. For all leaders, there is a realisation that they have entered a change process...

Week 4: Being a leader not a cheerleader

Being a leader not a cheerleader.  Week 4 of lockdown and, for many of us, we’re through the initial phase of practical coping; setting up a home-based office, getting the technology to work, getting used to on-line team meetings – and now the leadership challenge is...

Week 3: A marathon not a sprint

Running a marathon not a sprint.  Week 3 of the lockdown and the shock of the change is receding, but the bad news keeps coming. A prime minister in hospital and the Queen speaking to the nation underscores the seriousness and justifies the fears that people have. We...

Week 2: Making the best of new communication channels

Making the best of new communication channels.  After a second week of Socia’s home based working, involving much time on Microsoft Teams and Zoom, here are three big lessons we have learned about hosting effective on-line meetings. 1 Be clear about the different...

Week 1: Leading in a virtual environment

Leading in a virtual environment: Some lessons from the first week of working from home: 5 things for a leader to think about when working remotely. How do you look? You are ‘at work’ so think about what people can see in the background of your video call – it can be...