We are leadership consultants for a connected world
As the world emerges from the pandemic, learning how to build relationships, handle conflict, share control and deliver results together has never been more important.
For Boards… For Leaders… For Organisations…
What we do
Board effectiveness reviews
Insight and analysis of Board governance processes and behaviours using the UK corporate governance code as our touchstone of best practice. Founder member of the Board Effectiveness Guild – with over 15 years’ experience working with Boards across all sectors and often with unique ownership structures.
Strategies for business collaboration
Strategic guidance and practical implementation advice and education to ensure that collaboration can be effective across networks of interconnected teams and organisations in times of change.
Personal mentoring for leaders
Personal mentoring for individuals – to strengthen their leadership capabilities, improve their collaborative skills, step up to new Executive or NED roles and help them deliver in a complex and connected world.
Socia 2022
This is our 20th anniversary year. We will be celebrating and reflecting on what we’ve learned with a series of conversations, events and publications. We will invite our clients to join us and share their wisdom to provoke discussions on future trends in collaboration inside and beyond the boardroom.
Insight, research and news
We are constantly looking to develop new and innovative approaches to collaboration within and between organisations, to gather examples of successful (and less successful) collaboration and to share the latest thinking with our clients.
Collaborative leadership
– building relationships, handling conflict, sharing control
We wrote our book – now in its second edition – to support leaders who need an accessible, informative and practical guide to effective leadership in today’s connected world. Part 1 introduces a collaborative leader’s toolkit. Part 2 considers collaborative leaders in action. Each chapter is underpinned by surveys of business leaders, and new research and relevant case studies.
Conversations around the Board table – a series of Socia articles for Governance magazine
We have been commissioned by Governance magazine to write a series of articles based on our regular Socia roundtable dinners – where we invite groups of Board members to contribute to wide ranging discussions on topics of mutual interest, under Chatham House rules. You can read copies of the latest articles here.
Leadership in Lockdown – Socia’s response
As the UK economy emerges from the constraints of lockdown, leaders are facing complex choices over how to re-open offices, manage hybrid working options and balance the needs of the business with those of individuals and teams who have become accustomed to collaborating virtually. We have written a series of blog posts on our experiences and reflections which are available to share here.
Client contracts & recent news
Alex Cameron from Socia is the co-author of an article in the latest issue of Governance magazine on the topic of 'Risk, dissent and decision-making' in Boards. You can read a copy of the full article at...
Socia has been commissioned to carry out an external Board Evaluation for the East West Rail (EWR) Board. EWR is responsible for designing, developing and delivering the section of East West Rail between Bletchley and Cambridge – while overseeing the remaining works...