Current news
Socia has been chosen to carry out a Board Effectiveness Review at the Government Property Agency - following a similar review we completed in 2021. The Government Property Agency (GPA) was established in 2018 as an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office and works in partnership with Departments...
Alex Cameron from Socia participated as part of a team of presenters from the Board Effectiveness Guild in a Governance Magazine webcast. This event focused on Stakeholder perspectives on Board Reviews. Alex's contribution concentrated on managing the relationship between the Board and the owners...
We recently hosted our annual Board dinner at the Globe Theatre with a group of CEOs and Chair who are clients and friends of Socia. The topic of discussion was 'Maintaining the independence of the Board' and the challenges this brings - especially in Government owned companies, or other...
Socia has been contracted to support the New Homes Quality Board to design and run their annual Board strategy day - and then to facilitate a forum for leaders of all the new homes building codes to discuss the government's response to the MMC report on house building.
Socia has been commissioned to carry out an external Board Evaluation for the Royal Mint Board. The Royal MInt is at a pivotal point as a business, and the Board has the challenge to enable the business to innovate moving into new markets with new products. The shares in The Royal Mint Ltd are...
Alex Cameron from Socia is the co-author of an article in the latest issue of Governance magazine on the topic of 'Risk, dissent and decision-making' in Boards. You can read a copy of the full article at or by...
Socia has been commissioned to carry out an external Board Evaluation for the East West Rail (EWR) Board. EWR is responsible for designing, developing and delivering the section of East West Rail between Bletchley and Cambridge – while overseeing the remaining works required between Oxford and...
Socia has been awarded the contract to conduct a Board effectiveness review for the Heritage Fund. The Heritage Fund is classified as a Non-departmental Public Body (NDPB) with a local, regional, and national remit to fund heritage projects across the UK. The 10 trustees are appointed by the Prime...
Socia has been awarded a contract to run a 360 degree feedback process for a group of leaders at the Energy Systems Catapult. This is part of a long term relationship between Socia and the Catapult including coaching and Board development projects
Socia has been commissioned to run a set of workshops for Network Rail and the ORR on Effective Collaboration. These workshops will use Socia's collaborative leadership toolkit to explore the foundations of collaboration in the rail sector, how to build effective relationships, and how to handle...
Socia has been awarded the contract to conduct a Board effectiveness review for Marie Curie. This charity was established as a memorial to the late Marie Curie and exists to serve all those with a terminal diagnosis, their families and carers. The large Trustee Board governs the business of the...
Alex Cameron from Socia recently co-authored an article for Governance magazine about the importance of building a high quality relationship between a Board Chair and CEO - and how this contributes to the overall effectiveness of a Board. You can read the whole article at...
Alex Cameron from Socia spoke about the impact of Board relationships at a recent webinar hosted by Governance Magazine and the Board Effectiveness Guild. You can watch a recording of the webinar at The Impact of Board Relationships ( and more details of the Guild are at...
Socia has been awarded the contract to conduct a Board effectiveness review for the Scottish National Investment Bank (SNIB plc). This body was set up by the Scottish Government in 2020 with three missions: to achieve a just transition to net zero, to extend equality and opportunity through...
The rail safety and standards board (RSSB) asked Socia to design and facilitate a strategy day for their Board - building on the work we did supporting a similar event in March. The strategy session enabled the Board (consisting of CEOs and Directors from across all sectors in the UK rail industry...
The Submarine Delivery Agency is an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence, negotiating and managing manage the procurement, in-service support and disposal of UK nuclear submarines. The Board has asked Socia to carry out Board Effectiveness review. With changing organisational arrangements...
The New Homes Quality Board (NHQB) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the quality of new homes and customer service provided by developers. Socia were asked to work with the Chair and CEO to design and facilitate a Board strategy workshop with representatives from across the...
Bristol University produced this great visualisation diagram based on a series of workshops Socia delivered on collaboration and partnership working to staff attending the University's Enhancing Research Culture programme
Socia has been chosen to carry out a Board Effectiveness Review at LCR - following a similar review we did in late 2018. LCR Ltd is a limited liability company wholly owned by the Department of Transport. LCR describes itself as the UK Government’s placemaking expert with the purpose of unlocking...
Socia has been working with members of the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) to create a new governance code for large infrastructure projects aimed at improving their productivity, sustainability and the governance of risk. Read about key elements of the new code at Project 13 in Governance...